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(C) 2015 Jmol Development
Jmol Version: 14.29.32 2019-01-29 14:30
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The Resolver thinks Pdb
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Time for openFile(http://pat2.cbs.cnrs.fr/SERVEUR/PAT/tmp/applet/sdra_3D159.pdb): 5612 ms
reading 3171 atoms
ModelSet: haveSymmetry:false haveUnitcells:false haveFractionalCoord:false
5 models in this collection. Use getProperty "modelInfo" or getProperty "auxiliaryInfo" to inspect them.
model 1.1 alternative locations: A
model 1.2 alternative locations: A
model 1.3 alternative locations: A
model 1.5 alternative locations: A
Default Van der Waals type for model set to Jmol
3171 atoms created
ModelSet: autobonding; use autobond=false to not generate bonds automatically
Jmol 14.29.32 2019-01-29 14:30 DSSP analysis for model 1.1 - null
W. Kabsch and C. Sander, Biopolymers, vol 22, 1983, pp 2577-2637
We thank Wolfgang Kabsch and Chris Sander for writing the DSSP software,
and we thank the CMBI for maintaining it to the extent that it was easy to
re-engineer in Java for our purposes.
Second generation DSSP 2.0 is used in this analysis. See Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15, 7841-7864; doi:10.3390/ijms15057841.
All bioshapes have been deleted and must be regenerated.
Note: This model contains alternative locations. Use 'CONFIGURATION 1' to be consistent with CMBI DSSP.
Jmol 14.29.32 2019-01-29 14:30 DSSP analysis for model 1.2 - null
Note: This model contains alternative locations. Use 'CONFIGURATION 1' to be consistent with CMBI DSSP.
Jmol 14.29.32 2019-01-29 14:30 DSSP analysis for model 1.3 - null
Note: This model contains alternative locations. Use 'CONFIGURATION 1' to be consistent with CMBI DSSP.
Jmol 14.29.32 2019-01-29 14:30 DSSP analysis for model 1.4 - null
Jmol 14.29.32 2019-01-29 14:30 DSSP analysis for model 1.5 - null
Note: This model contains alternative locations. Use 'CONFIGURATION 1' to be consistent with CMBI DSSP.
Time for creating model: 222 ms
5 models
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RasMol pseudo-hbond calculation
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spinFPS is set too fast (30) -- can't keep up!
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
Jmol script terminated
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Script completed
Jmol script terminated
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Script completed
Jmol script terminated
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
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Script completed
Jmol script terminated
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5 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 203 started
5 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 204 started
5 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 205 started
5 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 206 started
5 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 207 started
5 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 208 started
5 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 209 started
5 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 210 started
5 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 211 started
5 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 212 started
8 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
script 213 started
8 atoms selected
Script completed
Jmol script terminated